I need to make a breakdown of that! There are discrepancies galore. It's why I requested the traffic ticket Smoker wrote. Andy Marton, the campus supervisor with Gardner off campus when the incident began, stated that by the time they arrived (he and Gardner), the library windows had already been shot out from the big ole "shootout" and I used to think he was telling the truth, but since witnesses said Gardner was the only one who fired into the library, and ballistics don't support a shootout, I think Marton's statement is a fabrication. The other officers contradict a looooot.
It would be interesting to compare these transcripts.
I need to make a breakdown of that! There are discrepancies galore. It's why I requested the traffic ticket Smoker wrote. Andy Marton, the campus supervisor with Gardner off campus when the incident began, stated that by the time they arrived (he and Gardner), the library windows had already been shot out from the big ole "shootout" and I used to think he was telling the truth, but since witnesses said Gardner was the only one who fired into the library, and ballistics don't support a shootout, I think Marton's statement is a fabrication. The other officers contradict a looooot.
Contradictions and the truth are certainly two separate things!