Mainstream media and the TV are propaganda tools . 100%

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Yep! And now we have social media to deliver it all to us 24/7, 365!!

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I know people already saw the channeling erik video, but here I found other one of a psychic claiming to channel eh and dbk. I thought it's interesting


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Ah yeah! You know, what I found interesting about these people and the channeler is that she asks if Dylan killed himself and the channeler won’t answer, she skips that completely. I think people can still tap into the energies of people and their stories, alive or dead, and throughout different dimensions. Now it’s not always true because the matrix throws curveballs, but sometimes it’s pretty spot on.

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so now that i know this, literally what do i do? i feel like my own world is falling apart

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That’s understandable. These things tend to unravel everything. The journey isn’t always smooth, but it’s worthwhile no matter how bumpy and confusing it gets. I can recommend some books that might help if you’d like. The process of awakening is more about elimination, and eliminating the false. It can get pretty intense, and the more you have an anchor set in some kind of foundation that holds your attention and willingness to see things through, the better. Sometimes it’s a spiritual practice, a teacher, it could be anything. It just has to resonate with you. <3

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this finally makes sense. you understand. It was only this week when it started making sense. I ask for your advice on energy/frequency work (besides cutting out all the media bs). Are things like witchcraft useful in these cases? manifestion? how do I pursue this?

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I completely understand, and I think any kind of energy work that trains you to focus inward is beneficial. I’ve cycled through a lot of traditions and teachings, and found that it’s true that it doesn’t matter what you choose, it just has to resonate with you, because at the core, all you’re doing is training yourself to focus. If you need a big ritual to focus, that’s what you should choose. If you can sit and focus without a ritual, that’s perfectly fine, too. I would say explore everything and see what gives you a “high” feeling, and dive into it. If you keep your anchor outside of any path or tradition, you’ll pull away when it’s time to move on after you’ve gotten what you need. Maybe I should make a series of videos about this, where to start? I’m open to that! I’m actually about to start getting back into the world, making content on this very topic!

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An ex of mine claimed that, everything written in paper that you set an intention to it, may happen. He told me that right after I bumped into him after we broke up and I told him it happened just like I had written it would. So maybe yeah, maybe that's witchcraft, maybe you're just bending reality a little... It's like when you're all positive and good things happen to you

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Yes! We have more control than it seems, although only under certain conditions. I’ll probably post about this, too at some point. :)

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Yeah, i believe everything that people think about creates a new reality in a different dimension. All you have to do is pull.

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