Interesting, the grip doesn't make any sense at all, it's illogical.

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Yep... the only explanation is that his hand came to be over the grip after he was shot (we know that didn't happen, but I'm playing with this crime scene still).

A very well known person involved in this case claims to have all the crime scene photos and swears there is a TEC-9 in the leaked photo. We're looking at a strap, but he insists the gun is in his hand and under his leg in the opposite position noted in the diagrams. He claims to have other photos that show the TEC more clearly and that his hand is over the grip. Well that's clearly not true. We'd see both the barrel and magazine well sticking out from under his leg no matter what orientation the gun is in if it were actually in the photo.

I traced the photo to roll #8, which was taken hours after they removed the TEC from the body/scene (according to the documentation, of course). And they had to pull Dylan's hand out from under his leg. So we're looking at a photo that was allegedly taken after they pulled his hand out from under his leg, cut the strap of the TEC, and removed it from the scene. The cut strap is clearly visible.

... and yet key players in the case keep saying there is a gun in the photo and that they have additional photos that show the gun more clearly. He had the mini version of the gun and there's no way it would be hidden because of its size.

Why would someone so close to the case (in this case, an insider who has released so many things over the years) lie about the gun being in this photo? Hmmm.

I have come to the conclusion that this man is not delusional or trying to lie to keep the story going. I think he is trying to get people to look closely at the leaked "suicide photos" to notice what's wrong with them, because he keeps saying "look at his hand, look at his hand." When you look at Dylan's hand, something magical happens - you realize there's no gun, but also, you can see the bad Photoshop job where they Photoshopped the strap of the gun so poorly it's physically impossible for it to be the way it is. (I will re-post that info at a later time).

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